Ko Maungaharuru te Maunga, Ko Tangitū te Moana, Kei Te Matau-a-Māui (Hawke’s Bay) te Takiwā.

Ko Marangatūhetaua (Ngāti Tū), Ngāti Whakaari, Ngāi Tauira, Ngāti Kurumōkihi (Ngāi Tatara), Ngāi Te Ruruku ki Tangoio, Ngāi Tahu ngā Hapū.

Ko Tangoio te Marae, Ko  Punanga Te Wao te Kōhanga Reo, Ko Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust te Poari.

Nau mai, Haere mai ki tēnei Pae Tukutuku!

Elections for Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trustee positions 2024 now open

Now open: Whānau can now vote for up to two (2) trustees in the 2024 Trustee Elections, for all the details and to vote click here.

Voting closes: at 5pm, Tuesday, 23 July 2024.

Updated venue: for MTT AGM 10am, Saturday, 27 July 2024 is Napier War Memorial Centre, Marine Parade, Napier.

Maungharuru-Tangitū Trust’s 2024 Annual report: Click here to read MTT’s 2024 Annual Report

Kia Manawaroa, Maranga, E tū

Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust has produced a Recovery Plan and Video. Read more…