On Saturday 27 April 2019, we will be hosting our very own Wānanga Reo at Tangoio Marae.
This Wānanga is for all learners of te reo Māori, whether you are at the beginning of your journey or somewhere further along the path. It is about coming together as whānau and learning together, using te reo together and celebrating being from Tangoio, mai i Maungaharuru ki Tangitū.
The kaiako (teachers) will be reo experts from our whānau: Uncle Matiu Eru, Justin Puna, and Shane Taurima.
If you are interested please fill out the registration form at the link below. We can then use the information you provide us to make a programme that works for you. Tamariki can be registered on a parent/caregiver’s form. Please fill in one form per person aged 16 years and over.
To access the registration form, please click here
For the programme, please click here