Our Hapū vision for our Marae is “Kia tū Māori te Marae – Building a proud, vibrant, modern Marae.” An important step towards our vision is reducing the flood risk to our Marae. Our Hapū asked that a Committee be established to investigate options to relocate Tangoio Marae or protect and develop it at the current location.
Information Booklet
The process and results of the investigation are outlined in the information booklet which can be downloaded by members by clicking here. If you have any problems accessing it, please let us know by email to info@tangoio.maori.nz or call 06 835 3300 or 0800 TANGOIO / 0800 826 4646.
This booklet was posted to the households of all registered members, and emailed to those on our pānui database. If you would like to provide us with your updated contact details, please click here.
To learn more about the journey the Committee has taken to provide the recommendations and information in the booklet, you can watch the video by clicking here.
The Marae Options Committee presented their recommendation at the Hui-ā-Hapū on Saturday 8 December 2018 at Tangoio Marae.
To watch the video of the Hui or to read the minutes, please click here.
To see photos from the hui, including of the tamariki activities and Kirihimete celebrations, please see the photo album on our Facebook page.
Supplementary Information
For more detail on some aspects mentioned in the information booklet, please click on the links in blue below.
Marae Options Committee Terms of Reference
Flooding Information
- Historical flooding information including videos, photos, news articles and quotes from our whānau about flooding in Tangoio
- HBRC Report 2015, Te Ngaru [sic] Catchment Flood Hazard Study
- Classification of the four major floods in the last 100 years
- History of flooding timeline (includes quotes and photos from our Hapū, best viewed downloaded onto your computer)
- Information on the flood on 8 March 2018 including rainfall map
- Videos of the flood on 8 March 2018
Climate Change Information
- Presentation slides from NIWA at Hui-ā-Hapū
- Information on the Manatū Mō Te Taiao (Ministry for the Environment) website
Background Information
Hapū Vision
Detailed Information