There are three retiring Trustees: Charmaine Butler, Tania Hopmans and Kerri Nuku. We called for nominees and received four nominations for three vacancies. The nominees are:
- Charmaine Butler
- Tania Hopmans
- Karen Tāwehi Moeau
- Kerri Nuku
Adult registered members of the Trust (18 years or over prior to 29 March 2016) are eligible to vote. Voting information is available on the voting form that was posted and in the email from the independent Returning Officer. These include a voting PIN number and password that allow you to vote online.
To help you to make your choice, please read the profile information the nominees provided about themselves and the summary of the role of the Trustees
Voting closes at 5pm Tuesday 29 March 2016.
If you have other whānau who you believe are entitled to vote, but have not received a voting form, please contact us.