The rōpū having their first hui at Elaine and Ross’s shed, across from the Marae at Tangoio
At the request of our kaumātua, a kāhui tautoko was established on Sunday 19 February. Uncle Matiu gave the name Piki ki te Ora. The kāhui had its first hui that day. The members are:
- Hōri Reti (Chair of Tangoio Marae and Piki ki te Ora)
- Bevan Taylor (Kaumātua)
- Matiu Eru (Kaumātua)
- Joe Taylor (Kaumātua)
- Hoani Taurima (Whānau and Tangoio resident)
- Thursday Puna (Whānau and liaison with our weavers).
Their mahi is to:
- work with Uncle Joe Taylor who is leading the recovery of taonga in the wharenui (whakairo, tukutuku and kōwhaiwhai).
- work with the restoration team (carvers and weavers led by Uncle Joe Taylor and Aunty Liz Taurima) to clean and protect the taonga and store them in a safe location.
Below is a video clip of Uncle Bevan Taylor discussing the establishment of the kāhui tautoko: