Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust invite the Hapū of Tangoio Marae to attend a Hui-ā-Hapū to receive the report of the Marae Options Committee and to celebrate Christmas.
Venue: Tangoio Marae
When: Saturday, 8 December 2018
10am – 12pm Marae Options Committee update for rangatahi & pakeke
Fun activities for tamariki
12pm – 1pm Fun activities for all
1pm Christmas hākari
An information booklet has been sent to members’ households and a video outlining the journey and processes undertaken by the Marae Options Committee can be found here.
For catering purposes, please confirm if you and your whānau (particularly tamariki) will be attending.
All enquiries to the Office Manager: 0800 TANGOIO / 0800 826 4646 or info@tangoio.maori.nz