Our Waharoa has been rescued!

We could all do with some good news, so we are happy to report that all the pieces of the Waharoa have now been recovered.

The koruru, kererū and ika were first:


One maihi took a bit of work because it was under some branches. Doug McClelland & Jake from down the beach got it out; whānau then retrieved it.


The other maihi was washed all the way out to the moana, but fortunately was retrieved by Rocky from Whirinaki

Maihi returned from the moana

Rocky Neill’s whānau have lived in Whirinaki for about 40 years. He regularly goes down to the river mouth on his quad bike. Last week he noticed the maihi in the moana, in the breakers on the south side of the river mouth. Knowing it must be important he raced down to pull it from the moana and load it onto his quad bike. We are really impressed with his kaha at 73 years old!

Rocky looked after the maihi at home for a few days as he wasn’t sure who to contact.

Our Hineuru whānau from Sea’s Up received a message from Rocky’s daughter who lives in Mexico!

Worried, his daughter asked for a hot meal for her Dad and Grandma. Rocky cares for his mother Joan (age 96). They were stuck without power or phone, and Joan’s carers weren’t able to make their usual 3x per day visits. The amazing Sea’s Up whānau not only delivered a hot meal but helped Rocky & Joan video call Mexico.

Rocky showed Liz Waiwiri our taonga, calls were made and on Sunday Hoani collected the maihi to take it back to the Marae. Rocky said “Im pleased its gone back home”

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