Pānui from Te Roa Takie:
Kia Ora Whānau,
Our Tangoio whānau that specialise in Rongoā Māori would like to open their door to all whānau who are interested. They will be holding a 10 day wānanga under the umbrella of Awanuiarangi.
Our Kaiako Jessica McGregor & Ruby Dick have over 30 years experience and will take Tauira through the proper practices of Rongoā Māori passed down from our elders starting with Tikanga.
This Wānanga is only open to those who whakapapa to Tangoio and there are limited spaces. For all those interested call Te Roa on 0279613621, email emma.teroa@yahoo.co.nz or private message on facebook so I can get your details for enrolment and inform you of dates (pending confirmation). Arohamai there is a short window for enrolments they must be done BEFORE ANZAC DAY (Monday 25 April 2016).
Ngā mihi.