If you wish to nominate someone to be elected as a Trustee for the Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, please complete a Nomination Form which is available online or contacting the Kaiwhakahaere Tari/Office Manager: (06) 835-3300 / 0800 TANGOIO,, or PO Box 3376, Hawkes Bay Mail Centre, Napier 4142.

A nominee must be an adult registered member of the Trust by the closing date for nominations. To be eligible to be elected a nominee must satisfy the criteria specified in the Trust Deed, clause 1 of Schedule 3.  The Nomination Form specifies the required attachments, including a Request for Criminal Convictions History Form to be completed at A guide to completing this form can be found here. You can access other relevant documents such as the full Trust Deed and Code of Conduct here.

The Nomination Form must:

  • be signed by at least five adult registered members;
  • include the consent of the nominee;
  • be complete with all required attachments; and
  • be received by the Kaiwhakahaere Tari by 5:00pm Tuesday, 6 June 2023 (by post, hand delivery directly to the Kaiwhakahaere Tari or
    email to This deadline will be strictly adhered to.

To learn more about the roles and responsibilities of a Trustee, you can find more information here. A list of current Trustees is available online.  At these elections there will be two vacant Trustee positions.

The current Trustees standing down (who may be nominated for re-election) are Robbie Paul and Kelly May. At these elections there will be two vacant Trustee positions. The Hui ā-Tau (AGM) for the Trust is at 10:00 am Saturday 16 September 2023 at Napier War Memorial.

Noho ora mai,

Nā te Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust