Rangatahi Komiti

Don’t sit and do nothing – Stand up and join the fun

Do you want to be the voice of our Rangatahi?

Are there certain skills you want to acquire but need some direction?

Do you want to get involved in more activities within our hapū, but don’t know where to go?


Our Rangatahi Komiti members Jared Pullar and Charlotte Taurima-Thomas are looking for new members to get on board! Thanks to them a group of rangatahi spent last Saturday at the Guthrie Smith High Ropes course and at Lake Tūtira planting Taupunga, to help restore our precious lake.

Everyone had a ball! Learnt how strong and resilient they can be! Met some fantastic Hapū whanau!


Rangatahi voices need to be louder and we want to hear yours too! Come have your say in the takiwā, at the Marae and help us put loving back into our whenua! You too can take a role in organizing exciting events such as voyaging on the Te Matau-a-Māui waka around Ahuriri and walking across Maungaharuru learning more about our tīpuna.

If this sounds like you, or you are keen to learn more please send in your Expression of Interest (EOI) to us at dayna@tangoio.maori.nz. All EOI’s are to be in by 5pm Tuesday 12 June.

Come along, have some fun and learn something on the way.

Whaia te mātauranga, hei oranga mō tātau.
Pursue the knowledge, for all of our wellbeing.

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