The Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 2 April 2016 at Tangoio Marae. Nau mai, Haere mai!
- 10am – 12pm Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust AGM
- 12pm – 1pm Kai
- Minutes of AGM 28 March 2015
- Annual Report 2015
- Group Performance at a Glance 2015
- Annual Plan 2016
- Results of Trustee Elections
- General Business
There will also be the usual resolutions to accept minutes, reports, financial statements and to appoint an auditor. Voting packs for the Trustee elections and the AGM papers have been posted to each adult registered member of the Trust. Copies of the AGM papers and a full set of the Audited Financial Statements will be available from the Trust’s office. All enquiries to the Office Manager.
Please note that the previously advertised Tangoio Marae Trustees AGM has been postponed.