Now is the time to have your say! Our whānau are invited to complete two surveys by 10pm Monday 12 September 2016. The Marae Vision Survey asks what vision you have for our marae, and the Marae Facility Survey focuses on what facilites you would like at our marae.
We need to think about what we want for ourselves and for our mokopuna who will follow us.
Each survey will take about 30 minutes to complete. If you are short of time, please complete the Marae Facility Survey first.
The surveys are available:
- online via the links on the members page – contact us if you have any problems with access. Or,
- as hard copies from the MTT office.
These surveys are part of the research being done by the Marae Options Committee and the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) to look into options for our marae – whether to stay in Tangoio and renovate, or to build in a new location. This research will help our whānau to make an informed decision. For more information (including videos), see the members page.
Some initial feedback on the results of the surveys will be given at the Hui-ā-Hapū at Tangoio Marae, 10am Saturday 24 September 2016.





aroha taurima says
August 14, 2016 at 9:21 pmAtamarie e te whanau
Not able to access the site to do survey, awhina mai!
MTT-Admin says
August 15, 2016 at 2:44 amKia ora Aroha,
It seems the “.” was missing from your email address. Arohamai! Have fixed it now so please try again. The website should’ve automatically sent you an email.
Ngā mihi,
Nā Hayley.
sandra lawson says
August 28, 2016 at 1:48 amCould you plz send me out the survey forms to fill out, as i cant sign thru my computer
MTT-Admin says
August 28, 2016 at 2:33 amTēnā koe Whāea, thank you for providing your email address. You are now loaded on as a member on the website and can now access the surveys online. Please let me know if you would prefer to complete them online or if you would like hard copies posted. Nāku i runga i āku mihi, nā Hayley.
sandra lawson says
August 31, 2016 at 10:42 pmHi Hayley, online would be good thanx