Call for Nominations for Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust

logoIf you wish to nominate someone to be elected as a Trustee for the Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust, please complete a Nomination Form which is available online or by contacting the Office Manager on (06) 835 3300 / 0800 TANGOIO,, or PO Box 3376, Hawke’s Bay Mail Centre, Napier 4142.

A nominee must be an adult registered member of the Trust by the closing date for nominations. To be eligible to be elected a nominee must satisfy the criteria specified in the Trust Deed, clause 1 of Schedule 3.  The Nomination Form specifies the required attachments, including a Request for Criminal Convictions History Form. You can access other relevant documents such as the full Trust Deed and Code of Conduct here.

The Nomination Form must:

  • be signed by at least five adult registered members;
  • include the consent of the nominee;
  • be complete with all required attachments; and
  • be received by the Office Manager by 5pm Friday 2 December 2016 (by post, hand delivery or email to  This deadline will be strictly adhered to.

The current Trustees standing down (who may be nominated for re-election) are Cathy Spooner and Shane Hiha. A list of current Trustees is available online.  At these elections there will be two vacant Trustee positions.

The Trust’s AGM will be at 10am Saturday 25 March 2017 at Tangoio Marae.

Important Notice: In 2017-18, MTT are progressing to electronic-only voting, to save on printing and postage costs. Please provide us with your email address.


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