Health Hawke’s Bay are running Whānau Wellness Group Sessions in December in three locations:
- 10am – 2pm Wednesday 7 December 2016
- Takarangi Room, Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, 821 Orchard Road
- 10am – 2pm Thursday 8 December 2016
- Kings House Church, 190 Riverbend Road
- 10am – 2pm Monday 12 December 2016
- Rural Learning Centre, Wairoa Hospital
For catering and seating arrangements, please let Louise Pattison – Whānau Wellness Administrator know by email to, phone 06 871 5646 or text to 027 600 9791.
10am Karakia & Mihimihi, Introduction, Mahi Whakawhanaungatanga (get to know each other)
10:25am Oranga Tinana – Heart Health
10:45am Oranga Whānau – Living within your means, Water Safety, Insurance
12:05pm Lunch Break
12:35pm Oranga Whānau – Christmas Cheer activity
1:05pm Oranga Tinana – Diabetes
1:55pm Karakia Whakamutunga

Wikitoria turner says
March 6, 2020 at 4:53 amKia ora
I attended your hui and the 2 Nd hui I was moving from emergency to transition so I could not attend that hui so today I came for my prescription and was told I have to pay
Can you tell me I was registered why am I paying nis