The Marae Development Committee (MDC) have been progressing our vision, Kia tū Māori te Marae (Building a proud, vibrant & modern marae) over the past few months. This pānui is to provide an update to our whānau on five key issues and where things are at.
1) The committee are meeting regularly and remain focused on protecting and developing the Marae at the current location. This mainly includes:
- rebuilding the existing western stopbank
- building a new whare kai
- improving site drainage
- repairing and upgrading existing buildings.
To achieve the above, the MDC needs professional help to develop a Marae Development Plan in three phases:
- Phase 1: Develop a Master Plan
- Phase 2: Develop a Construction and Costings Plan
- Phase 3: Construct Marae
2) MDC have completed a robust tender process and are really excited to introduce two organisations who will help us develop our Marae Development Plan.
The first organisation is Jasmax, who describe themselves as ‘Architects, Designers and Innovators’. Justin Evatt, Brendon Himona and the team are excited to work with us. Jasmax have the size, skills and experience working with Māori to help us build a proud, vibrant and modern marae. Click here find out more.
The second is local company Halcyon Project Management. Rodney Howard, Evan McCarthy and this team will bring a wealth of local Hawke’s Bay knowledge and expertise to ensure the project runs smoothly. Click here to find out more.
We look forward to welcoming the Jasmax and Halcyon Project Management teams onto our Marae.
3) The MDC have also applied for funding from Oranga Marae (supported by both Te Puni Kōkiri and Department of Internal Affairs) and also Eastern and Central Community Trust. We eagerly await the outcome from these tono…
4) We are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a drop-in session at the MTT offices to view Uncle Joe Taylor’s model. We will let whānau know the time and date for this evening session.
5) We are also excited to be hosting two wānanga in the first half of the New Year to check with whānau that we have got the Master Plan right! We’ll let whānau know well in advance when those hui will be.
Ngā mihi o te wā – Meri Kirihimete
Nā mātau,
Marae Development Committee.
- Guy Te Kahika, Co-chairperson & Marae representative,
- Tania Hopmans, Co-chairperson & MTT representative,
- Diana Taunoa, Marae representative,
- Charmaine Butler, MTT representative,
- Hoani Taurima, Whānau representative and
- James Lyver, MTT Kaiwhakahaere Matua.