The Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust (MTT) was established to receive, hold, manage and administer the assets of the Trust for purposes that are beneficial to members of our Hapū. Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust is a post-settlement governance entity and is the voice and representative body for our Hapū. Part of the Trust’s role is to foster and promote amongst members of the Hapū:

  • spiritual values, unity, support and cooperation;
  • recognition of traditional customs and values; and
  • physical, social, and economic wellbeing and advancement.

TE HAWAKITANGA – VISION: Puāwaitanga o te Puawānanga – Living Our Dreams

TE TAIKURA – CORE PURPOSE: Kia Tipu te Mauri Ora – Growing our Inner Strength


The Trustees of MTT are also the Trustees of the Maungaharuru-Tangitū Charitable Trust. They appoint the Trustees and Directors of the other entities in the group. Click here to view their profiles.


The Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust has kaimahi – staff / contractors including: 

  • Kaiwhakahaere Matua – Chief Executive Officer
  • Kaiāwhina Tari – Administrative Assistant
  • Kaiwhakahaere Taiao – Environmental Manager
  • Resource Consents Administrator
  • Kaiāwhina Kaitautau – Finance Officer
  • Kaitiaki Whenua – MTT Ranger
  • Kaitiaki Rehita Whakapapa – Registration Officer
  • Kaitautautoko Whakapā – Communications Assistant
  • Kaiwhakahaere Whakapā – Communications Manager
  • Mātanga Hangarau – IT Support
  • Kaiwhakahaere Kirimana – Contracts Manager and Finance Management Support
  • Intern Accountant
  • Manu Tāiko Interim Project Manager
  • Manu Tāiko Rangers
  • Cultural Monitor

Click here to view their profiles.

Te Waiū Trust

Te Waiū Trust governs the lake beds and stratum held by it, including Lake Opouahi, part of Lake Tūtira, Lakes Waikōpiro and Orakai.

Maungaharuru-Tangitū Charitable Trust

The Trustees of the Charitable Trust are also the Trustees of Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust (see above).

Investment Company

Our Investment Company is called Maungaharuru-Tangitū Limited. There are three Directors whose role is to grow our investments and manage our assets, under the Investment Framework. Members can view the Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO).

Audit and Risk Komiti

The role of the Audit and Risk Komiti is to oversee managing risk, audit functions and complying with legislation, policies and procedures across the group. Komiti members are:

Jon Nichols (Chair, Independant), Tom Manaena (Trustee), George Puna (Trustee) and Tania Hopmans (Trustee).


The membership of Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust (MTT) is open to all those who whakapapa to our Hapū.

You can register online.

The benefits of being a member of MTT include:

  • participating in the decisions of the Trust at its Annual or other General Meetings;
  • electing members to MTT; and
  • staying in touch with what is happening, through pānui from MTT.
