Public Notice from the Crown

Kia ora e te whānau,
To support our whānau we arranged for the Tangoio Marae trustees and Hapū trustees, landowners and residents of landblocks at Tangoio and Arapawanui in Category 3 to meet with the Crown on 18 July.
  • The purpose of those hui was for the Crown to explain their process for engagement with the trustees and landowners who have responsibility for those blocks.
  • It was also an opportunity for the Crown to explain what Category 3 means and for questions to be asked of the Crown (and councils, who also attended).
MTT is arranging for approval from the Chair of each trust, landowners and residents for their contact details (to the extent we have them) to be provided to the Crown. The Crown has asked for these contact details so they can make direct contact for future hui. 
However, the Crown has decided to organise their own hui by advertising these hui in the paper on Saturday.
  • They have asked us to put this advert on the MTT website and social media platforms. Here is the advert.
  • These hui are by appointment and are for trustees, landowners and residents of Māori Freehold Land at Tangoio South, Pākuratahi, Petane and Eskdale.
  • We’ve been told that the information the Crown will be sharing at these hui is the same information the Crown shared at hui on 18 July.
  • It is also the same information that MTT shared with whānau at our hui-ā-Hapū about Cyclone Recovery on 11 June.
If you have any questions about these hui, please contact the Crown
Noho ora mai
Recovery Team
Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust

Locality Plan

We have written a Locality Plan outlining our proposals for how our Hapū, Tangoio Marae and takiwā will recover from the catastrophic impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle. 

This is a 12 month plan for now.

Click here to download

If you have questions about the plan, contact Liz Munroe


We have prepared a short video (6 mins) that shows some of the impacts of Cyclone Gabrielle on Tangoio Marae and our whānau doing their best to carry on.  

Click here to view the video

Hawke's Bay Recovery Framework

Te Matau-a-Māui Hawke’s Bay Councils, Iwi and Hapū leaders and Government have agreed a framework for co-ordinating our region’s recovery.  Our locality plan will feed into this.

Click here to download the Hawke’s Bay Recovery Framework