He Kāinga Taurikura o Tangitū: Treasured Coastal Environment
This project focussed on our Kuku Reef at Tangoio, a taonga that is under threat largely due to human activities.
Below are links to outputs for you to explore, including:
- Project Report including mātauranga tuku iho, and beautiful images.
- Story Map with underwater videos
- Our Cultural Environmental Assessment Framework
- Tirohanga Tohu Observational Survey you can participate in
- Video
- Radio interview
- Info on Te Tumu Tangitū (our Hapū advisory group for the project)
- The four project phases
This was a collaborative project with NIWA and was funded by Ko Ngā Moana Whakauka – Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge and Te Kūwaha (NIWA’s National Centre for Māori Environmental Research).
Tihei Tangitū!