Researching Kuku

We have successfully secured funding for an exciting project: He Kāinga Taurikura o Tangitū: Treasured Coastal Environment.

This project is focussed on our kuku reef at Tangoio, a taonga that is under threat largely due to human activities. This project has three phases, click here for more info.

This project will support our tangata kaitiaki who manage customary permits in our takiwā.

This is a collaborative project with NIWA and is funded by Ko Ngā Moana Whakauka – Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge and Te Kūwaha (NIWA’s National Centre for Māori Environmental Research).

Sustainable Seas includes Mātauranga Māori informing and underpinning Ecosystem Based Management for Aotearoa. Many other coastal hapū and iwi are keen to learn about our project so join us and together we will make it a success!

Tihei Tangitū!

Researching Kuku

  • Are you passionate about our kuku (mussel) reef and Tangitū?
  • Interested in growing your kaitiakitanga skills?
  • Are you one of our kuku kaimoana gatherers?

Get involved by joining Te Tumu Tangitū (the advisory group).  The commitment involved will be around 5 hui/wānanga, spread throughout the year.  Depending on the COVID situation, these will be based in the office or via Zoom.

Register your interest in joining Te Tumu Tangitū by contacting Hayley (; 0211204346; 0800 TANGOIO) 

by Sunday 3 April 2022.



We have successfully secured funding for an exciting project for 2022: He Kāinga Taurikura ō Tangitū: Treasured Coastal Environment.  This 14-month project is focussed on our kuku reef at Tangoio, a taonga that is under threat largely due to human activities.  Click here to read more about the project…

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